Seminar African studies centre Leiden

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05 October 2017
15.00 – 17.00
Pieter de la Courtgebouw / Faculty of Social Sciences, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK Leiden
Room 5A47 (5th floor)

In this seminar Melle Smets and Joost van Onna will discuss their experiences in Ghana’s informal economy and the plan they developed to continue their car-building project. They will address questions as to how organizations, networks and individuals in Suame Magazine can use the power of informality systematically to build cars (or develop other products) and what role (in)formal institutions may play in this process. Subsequently Mayke Kaag and Tanja Hendriks will reflect on this project based on their own experiences of doing research among informal workers in Suame Magazine and elsewhere in Ghana. Departing from the same locality, and from a shared interest in informal workers and their everyday lives, the presenters aim to exchange knowledge shaped and created by different methods and visions, highlighting many different aspects of informal workers’ working lives. Among others, they will address the role of informal workers’ organizations, mutual perceptions by and of informal workers and external partners, relationships with (inter)national donors, and the changing roles and understandings of (urban) informality.